Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2015

Set of words motivation of Mr. Mario latest firm

As a motivator is certainly the father of Mario firm always make words that can evoke the spirit of others. nah so this time I was present and will feature some of the writings father Mario firm in the form of words of motivation. with words of motivation that I will give this sayaberharap there will be people who inspired in people who are currently not excited.

each row of words in the catapult by Mr. Mario firm may seem like so evocative and can be uplifting for people who mendengarkanya. Puisi Cinta Terbaru may already be a twist him that he would be the one to like it. ucapanya people always heard and make an inspiration to others in need.

Mr. Mario firm memngisi regular event on the metro tv show steadfast golden Mario aways. in this event the father of Mario firm aloud obtaining talk about the revival of the slump of to demonize toward virtue. he always advocated that we should be able to be better. Puisi Cinta Teru forward and forward to forever.

The following is a collection comrade words of motivation of Mr. Mario steadfast latest I gathered from his official facebook.

 Whatever happens today, remember that ...
Not a difficulty or failure determines the overall quality of your life, but your kindness today.
Do not give up.
Strive again better.
Mario - Loving you all as always

I personally make good smart, successful young as possible and a great future.
Please panjangkanlah age of mother and father, to watch and enjoy the success of my life.
Mario - Loving you all as always

If prayer is a prayer tonight you also ...
empower me pass the test of life,
mapankanlah adult life at work
and a good family sustenance,
and make me penyejahtera
old age mother and father.
Mario - Loving you all as always

No one was no soul mate.
Which can either be good.
That are not good can that are also problematic.
That's mate.
There are also good people who fight against the advice of parents, making it suitable for people who are not good.
It was also a mate.
Good people 'forced and insistent' want to marry a person is not good, it will be good people who suffer in a bad marriage.
It was also a mate.
A good man who squandered a good person, will be the remains were not good.
It was also a mate.
People who are just waiting for a mate, it could not meet a mate, because his soul mate is also the type that is just waiting.
It was also a mate.
Then listen to this:
Your match is a reflection of yourself.
Mario Teguh
Loving you all as always

Do not love the person that is difficult to move on.
Puisi Cinta He may be sitting near you, but his heart still longs once.
Mario Teguh

if the dusk prayer is a prayer you also ...
plead rezekiku flow,
besarkanlah savings,
Tumbuhkanlah my treasure,
rukunkanlah family,
and our bahagiakanlah
up in Heaven.
Mario - Loving you all as always

You called strong not because of your body strong, but because your heart is being scaled down and sad that, to survive and be patient.
Whatever happens to you, it will still be something that strengthens you, if you do not allow him to frustrate you.
No one can be called weak, as long as he can choose.
Choose to be a mental patient and happy.
Mario - Loving you all as always

A few of my good kata-kata Bijak  is able to provide your spirit is lost and can lead you to a better again. so much and thank KaiH see you in the next portingan.

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